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For nearly twenty years I have been fortunate enough to know James Morrisson. He is a man of impeccable legal credentials, great integrity, and careful scholarship. Jim cares about America and its future, about all of our futures. America will not have a good future unless its Christian citizens stand firm in their faith, both individually and corporately.

Jim believes, and I heartily agree, that as Christians we need to take a stand for what is right and godly. His main concern is that in order to take such a stand, we need to be very sure of what we believe and why we believe it. And so he has chosen to concentrate his emphasis on showing clearly what the Bible says about some of the foundational issues of our faith.

One of the main reasons for the weakness of the Christian church has been that many do not really know what they believe, nor do they understand the spiritual authority that Christ has given them. We need Christians who are mature and deeply committed, and who understand their position in Christ. Such Christians can accomplish much. Lukewarm Christians will accomplish nothing. Jim’s book is a needed wake-up call.

The stakes are very serious. Our nation is in grave danger of losing the Christian basis on which it was founded and which has been a major reason for the greatness we have achieved.

How do we preserve the historical soul of America?

The historical facts of America’s founding are clear and unambiguous, not obscured in political correctness. The nation’s legal and moral underpinnings, guiding principles and political philosophy, are Christian. Those who say otherwise deliberately choose to ignore true historical facts. No Moslems, Buddhists, or Confucians waded ashore in Virginia in 1607 and immediately celebrated the Christian Eucharist, as history tells us the first settlers did.

It is because America’s roots are Christian that those of other religions are welcomed to our shores and permitted to worship freely. If the Christian philosophy underlying this nation’s founding is ever abrogated, freedom for other religions will vanish, as will America’s other personal and political freedoms and liberties.

Today there is a war for the soul and for the existence of America as described in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Some call it a “culture war” but its roots are spiritual. Many people are trying to remove every vestige of America’s Christian history, heritage, and founding principles. Such a conflict is to be expected; the Bible speaks of it.

What is not to be expected, is the seeming indifference and passivity of the Christian Church. In the war between good and evil (which has been going on since Adam and Eve), there is nothing holy about being a conscientious objector.

Every time there is an effort to chip away a piece of America’s Christian foundation, shouldn’t Christians rise up to oppose that effort? Across this great nation, City officials and State and County governments should be aware that, when they try to erode our Christian foundations, there is a large body of Christian voters who will object strongly and vocally, and who will, as is their right as citizens, express their objections in the ballot box.

May the Lord help us all stand firm in the faith in these challenging times.

Jerry Ralph Curry, D.Min.
Major General, U.S. Army (retired)

NOTE: In addition to a distinguished military career as a warrior, General Curry has a doctorate in Ministry and is a scholar and teacher. I have had the privilege of hearing him speak. He reminds me of the centurion whom Jesus commended because of his great faith.

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Copyright 2004 by James L. Morrisson
